Following the Famous Markarian’s Chain

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Just last month, I wrote about kicking off my Virgo Galaxy Quest with this future post already in mind. Having never observed Markarian’s Chain, I couldn’t wait to follow the entire string, really dissecting it and pulling out as many details as I could. Members of Markarian’s Chain include:

Markarian's Chain Astrophotograph
Image Credit: Sergio Kaminsky

Naturally, I went ahead and observed a few other galaxies in the vicinity that I was able to pull out, and I’ll mix those observations in as I move across the image below.


The eat portion of our outings has taken the biggest hit with the ongoing pandemic. I’ve still continued to bring my famous roasted peanuts, soda for the drive home when I tend to get sleepy, and for this outing, cheese and crackers. If you want to try making your own roasted peanuts like I do, it’s easy!

1. Preheat oven or toaster oven to 275°.
2. Spread in-shell peanuts on a cookie sheet, 1-2 layers maximum.
3. Cook for 45 minutes.
4. Turn temp up to 300° and cook for 10-15 more minutes, testing for doneness.
5. Let cool, or enjoy hot!

I get my raw peanuts from Sprouts and usually make about half a bag per batch. Yummy!


A year or two back, I picked up a bottle of 21-year rum and let it sit in the cabinet for a few months before finding the right time to give it a try. Upon doing so, I was slightly turned off by the taste and put it away for probably a year. When I pulled it back out for a second tasting, I quickly learned a lesson; never give up on a bottle after only one tasting! This time, the rum was fantastic, and I don’t think it had anything to do with an additional year sitting in the cabinet. I’m talking about the Zafra 21, distilled in Panama at Las Cabras Distillery. This is a fantastic rum that I would now recommend to any rum drinkers, or just anyone who wants to try something a little different from what they’re used to.


Markarian’s Chain zoomed out is just an awesome view; THAT many bright galaxies just lined up is just beautiful. Of course, I couldn’t see it this way, as the field below is just over 2 degrees wide! Regardless, it is no less impressive when viewed at higher power with a smaller field of view.

Markarian's Chain Observations


Messier 84 (NGC 4374) – I noted this galaxy was bright with a large outer halo, face on, smaller and brighter than M86.

NGC 4387 – For this galaxy between M86 and M84, I noted it as small, bright, elongated NW to SE with a nearly stellar core.

Messier 86 (NGC 4406) – For Messier 86, I logged it as having a very bright central core with a large dim outer halo, sharing the field with many galaxies. Cool view!

NGC 4388 – This galaxy is one of the best of the bunch, being that it was edge on. My notes describe it as bright, large, clearly elongated E to W 5:1, extended further on the Eastern side.

NGC 4413 – This small galaxy was only somewhat bright, elongated, with a brighter, nearly stellar core, and didn’t really stand out from the bunch.

IC 3303 – This galaxy is extremely faint as is obvious from the image above. It’s just to the right of the label for 3303 and shows up as a speck. I noted it as somewhat large with averted vision with hints of elongation visible.

NGC 4402 – Another edge on galaxy, which I just love. Large, somewhat bright, even surface brightness with no discernible core.

NGC 4425 – This was yet another bright galaxy that was clearly elongated and edge on with some brightening towards the center (core).

NGC 4435 – This was one of the ‘Eyes’ galaxies! I saw this as a moderately sized face-on spiral, which I am also a big fan of. Very bright, brighter and smaller than twin ‘eye’ with a bright core and extended halo.

NGC 4438 – The second of the ‘Eyes’ galaxies, this was one very large, bright with a stellar core, elongated SSW to NNE. What a great view these two made!

NGC 4461 – This galaxy was bright, moderately sized, larger and brighter than the galaxy it was paired with and clearly elongated SSW to NNE.

NGC 4458 – This galaxy was unlike most of the others in that it was small, round, bright, with an almost stellar core, smaller and dimmer than its pair.

Coma Berenices

NGC 4473 – Bright, large, edge on, with a very bright core and a halo that extends WAY out with averted vision!

N 4477 – Another bright, large galaxy, round, brighter core, larger and brighter than its paired galaxy (visually).

NGC 4479 – Small, somewhat dim, pinpoint at the center, seen only with averted vision, but fairly bright in the image (above).

This was a great night following Markarian’s Chain in detail, and something I will definitely do again one day. I hope you get a chance to view each of these with your own eyes at the scope one day!

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